A descriptive reference to something written by one person on another’s behalf, especially, a signature: The allographic will written by Jim's lawyer, was kept in a very safe place.
(s) (noun), allographies
Writing another individual's signature: An allograph can simply be the opposite of an autograph; that is, it is a person's words or signature, written down by someone else.
(s) (noun), altigraphs
1. An altimeter is an instrument that determines the altitude) equipped with a device for recording its measurements on a graph.
2. An instrument that shows, and records, heights above sea level; especially, those that are mounted in aircrafts and incorporating aneroid barometers that sense the differences in pressure which are caused by changes in altitude.
ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring
(s) (noun), ambulatory electrocardiographic monitorings
An essential tool in the diagnostic evaluation of patients with cardiac arrhythmias: The
ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring is used to help determine whether someone has an otherwise undetected heart disease; such as, an abnormal heart rhythm (cardiac arrhythmia), or inadequate blood flow through the heart.
Specifically, ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring can detect abnormal electrical activity in the heart which may occur randomly or only under certain circumstances; such as, during sleep or periods of physical activity or stress, which may or may not be picked up by standard, short-term electrocardiography performed in a doctor's office.
The main complaint that people have with ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring is that the monitor may be cumbersome and interfere with certain activities; especially, sleeping; however, bathing and showering are not allowed during the monitoring period.
The signals of the ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring are recorded on a cassette tape that runs slowly for a 24 hour recording, then the tape is quickly analyzed by a machine which stops when it detects any abnormalities in the recording.
(s) (noun), amniographies
Radiography of the amniotic sac after the injection of radiopaque, water-soluble solution into the sac, which outlines the umbilical cord, the placenta, and the soft tissues of the fetal body; now considered an obsolete technique. Also: fetography.
(s) (noun), ampelographies
The scientific description of the vine.
(s) (noun), anaglyptographs
An instrument for making accurate engravings of any embossed object, such as a medal.
(adjective), more anaglyptographic, most anaglyptographic
1. A reference to a machine, or system, that produces representations in relief, of coins, medals, etc.
2. The art of copying works in relief, or of engraving as to give the subject an embossed or raised appearance; used in representing coins, bas-reliefs, etc.
A bas-relief, or low relief, is a sculptural form in which figures are carved in a flat surface and project only slightly from the background rather than standing freely.
Depending on the degree of projection, reliefs may also be classified as either a high or a medium relief.
(s) (noun), aglyptographies
A machine for producing representations in relief, of coins, medals, etc.
(s) (noun), anagraphs
An inventory or a description of the contents of something; such as, a review, a record, or a critique.
(s) (noun), anagraphies
A writing about, a record; or the registering or recording of situations; an inventory.
(s) (noun), anapnographs
An instrument for registering the movements and amount of expiration and inspiration that someone has about subjects or situations.
(s) (noun), anecdotographers
Someone or those who publish secret histories about subjects.
(s) (noun), anemographs
An instrument that is designed to produce a permanent record of different aspects of the wind: The historical term anemograph refers to the production of a graphical recording of the speed and sometimes the direction and force of the wind as measured by an anemometer.
(adjective), more anemographic, most anemographic
A reference to a device that records wind measurements: Jack checked the anemographic results pertaining to the directions and forces of the wind during the last storm that swept through the region.
Related "writing" word units:
scrib-, script-.